The Rule of Law

The school’s behaviour policy, reinforced in every lesson, enables pupils to distinguish right from wrong and to respect the order according to which our school functions which helps them in turn to understand how important the respect of rules is in the country.

Students are reminded of the Health and Safety Laws in Britain and that this often doesn’t apply in other countries and working conditions are not good for the people in particular who grow crops for food, mine for ores and work in factories. We consider long hours, poor rates of pay and child labour. We also talk about pensions, sick pay and government help. Which most countries don’t get.



Food: In food we teach about freedom of choice to be vegetarian or vegan. The freedom to buy food from wherever you want to. The lack of availability of food and choice in a dictatorship. The lack of human rights in the manufacturing of food in third world countries.

Textiles: In textiles we teach about freedom to choose a job you want – In China if your parent works in a textile factory – you will to, unless you have a particular talent. Design and products bought in this country are chosen by client. Use of propaganda in Pop Art.

Resistant Materials: Pupils gain experience of discussing the design work and prototypes of individuals or groups by showing respect to others opinions and feelings. This is a major consideration in Year 7 where pupils design, make and test a wooden bridge to carry a load of 75kgs. Very often the success of the bridge relates to how well the pupils can work together. 


Individual Liberty

Food: Freedom of Speech: pupils are encouraged to give their opinion about aspects of other cultures compared to British culture, for example about eating habits and the way food is made and prepared, whilst ensuring students are respectful to others. When/if the opportunity occurs, discussions around events in other countries (ceremonies, traditions) and the way people live in dictatorships, help them understand the consequences of radical or extremist views and the implications of such actions. At all times, students are reminded of an expectation of respect for all others.

Textiles and Resistant Materials: We encourage students to give their opinions of their own work and others. They are given freedom to choose materials and designs within a design specification. They are encouraged to have their own opinions about techniques and materials.


Tolerance of Other Faiths & Beliefs

Food:  In Food we actively promote pupils' understanding of their own culture through comparison of food with the culture of various countries such as Italy, Mexico, India and China to that of British food. We also teach about our multicultural society and the way different foods influence the way we cook today. The students learn about Fair Trade, religious beliefs and dietary requirements through religion, illnesses and freedom of choice. We teach the importance of taking into account these requirements when cooking for other people. In particular use of Halal and Kosher foods.

Textiles and Resistant Materials:  We look at and discuss the work of designers and the influence of symbolism upon the design of products and materials.


Mutual Respect

Food: In food technology the various topics that we study mostly centre around a healthy lifestyle, personal tastes, ability to provide ingredients for practical’s and family meals. we have to establish from the beginning in the classroom, an atmosphere of trust and respect for each other. The students have to work together in a practical setting using dangerous equipment and have to be able to trust each other. Pupils must be able to share information about their background, their beliefs or simply their way of life, safe in the knowledge that their peers will respect and accept them for who they are. Pupils are encouraged to recognise an individual’s strength and support their development, they are also encouraged to embrace diversity and treat all others with respect both in and out of the classroom.

Textiles and Resistant Materials: We peer assess each other’s work and trust that constructive criticism and praise is given. Pupils learn to work collaboratively, accepting difference in others and treating everyone with respect and understanding.